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Qingyuan Puhe Meiye New Materials Technology Co. Ltd..

Years of manufacturing experience, focus on refined quality.

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Special pultrusion p
Address: The factory building of Yuanfeng Villagers Group of Anfeng Village Committee, Longtang Town, Qingcheng District, Qingyuan City is self-built from No. 1-10 of District C  
Contact: Mr. Lin   Phone:13500012815    e-mail:704887130@qq.com   
Copyright © 2019 Qingyuan Puhe Meiye New Materials Technology Co. Ltd..   
  Guangdong ICP prepared 19133752    Technical Support: Pin Shang Network  Web Map

*The relevant website material and related resources are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, we will delete it within 24 hours.*

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