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Qingyuan Puhe Meiye New Materials Technology Co. Ltd..

Years of manufacturing experience, focus on refined quality.

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When you enter the "Contact Us" page, your visit is our support, we sincerely welcome you to visit! Qingyuan Puhe Meiye New Materials Technology Co. Ltd., with services to create a brand, with true feelings to impress the people. You can contact us in the following ways.

Qingyuan Puhe Meiye New Materials Technology Co. Ltd..

Company Address

The factory building of Yuanfeng
Village Committee of Anfeng Village
Group in Qingcheng Town, Qing
cheng District, Qingyuan City is self-
built from No. 1-10 of District C


Mr Lin.:13500012815





Address: The factory building of Yuanfeng Villagers Group of Anfeng Village Committee, Longtang Town, Qingcheng District, Qingyuan City is self-built from No. 1-10 of District C  
Contact: Mr. Lin   Phone:13500012815    e-mail:704887130@qq.com   
Copyright © 2019 Qingyuan Puhe Meiye New Materials Technology Co. Ltd..   
  Guangdong ICP prepared 19133752    Technical Support: Pin Shang Network  Web Map

*The relevant website material and related resources are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, we will delete it within 24 hours.*

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