
Welcome to the website of Qingyuan Puhe New Materials Technology Co., Ltd.!

Qingyuan Puhe Meiye New Materials Technology Co. Ltd..

Years of manufacturing experience, focus on refined quality.

Free consultation hotline


Industrial equipment
Address: The factory building of Yuanfeng Villagers Group of Anfeng Village Committee, Longtang Town, Qingcheng District, Qingyuan City is self-built from No. 1-10 of District C  
Contact: Mr. Lin   Phone:13500012815    e-mail:704887130@qq.com   
Copyright © 2019 Qingyuan Puhe Meiye New Materials Technology Co. Ltd..   
  Guangdong ICP prepared 19133752    Technical Support: Pin Shang Network  Web Map

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阳朔县| 勐海县| 丰原市| 沙坪坝区| 德兴市| 麻江县| 绥芬河市| 固阳县| 彭州市| 呼伦贝尔市| 大方县| 团风县| 图们市| 曲阜市| 临洮县| 大竹县| 陈巴尔虎旗| 稷山县| 漠河县| 思南县| 锦州市| 滕州市| 舟山市| 镇沅| 康马县| 定边县| 阜阳市| 闽侯县| 精河县| 曲沃县| 长兴县| 昌乐县| 桐梓县| 砚山县| 乐亭县| 安庆市| 靖江市| 石河子市| 闸北区| 绩溪县| 八宿县|